Jean-Pierre Robinot

Nocturne - 2022


Imagine a wine born from grapes that have seen more sunsets than most of us have birthdays. That's the magic behind Robinot's Nocturne. These old vines, whispering tales of a century's worth of sunshine and rain, produce Pineau d'Aunis grapes that are nothing short of extraordinary.

Fermented as whole bunches for a full three weeks, these grapes party hearty in the barrel for a cool fifteen months. The result? A wine that dances on your palate with notes of minerals and spice, fine tannins that tickle your tongue just right, and a finish that lingers like a sweet goodbye.

This Nocturne is a symphony of old vines, time, and pure joy. It's a wine that begs to be savored, shared, and celebrated. So, gather your friends, uncork a bottle, and let the music of the grapes fill your senses.